Benson & Hedges is a British brand of cigarettes owned by American conglomerate Altria. Cigarettes under the Benson & Hedges name are manufactured worldwide by different companies such as Rothmans, Benson & Hedges, Philip Morris USA, British American Tobacco, or Japan Tobacco, depending on the region.
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Ben‧son and Hedg‧es /ˌbensən ən ˈhedʒɪz/ trademark a type of cigarette made by a British company and sold in a gold coloured-packet. Exercises.
Benson & Hedges: The company’s flagship brand offered in three formats: King Size (Black, Gold, Silver), 100s (Regular, Sterling and DeLuxe, with a menthol version) and Superslims (Black, White, and Menthol).
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